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Sunday, January 13, 2019

Fondation SUEZ Grant Programme, France for Developing Countries 2019 START APPLICATION

Fondation SUEZ Grant Programme, France for Developing Countries 2019 START APPLICATION 

The vocation of the Fondation SUEZ is to combat exclusion by favouring inclusion and consequently sustainably improving the living conditions and autonomy of persons via access to essential services, social insertion and social harmony.

The Fondation SUEZ supports concrete actions in favour of:

Access to essential services (water, sanitation and waste) for disadvantaged populations in developing countries;
The insertion of vulnerable populations thanks to employment and training in France;
Social harmony through education, culture and sport, in France.
This workspace enables you to submit applications to receive support and financing for your projects from the Fondation SUEZ.

Before submitting your project application, please refer to the information below.

Requests for support and financing can be submitted at any moment,  but will be processed according to the following schedule:
Project applications received before 31/10 will be presented at the Board of Directors Meeting in April, depending on the results of their initial assessment.
Project applications received before 30/04 will be presented at the Board of Directors Meeting in October, depending on the results of their initial assessment.
This workspace has the objective of optimising the application submission process by providing you with a step-by-step guide enabling you to describe your project using a series of pre-formatted  “forms”;
To check the eligibility of your project, please refer to the Fondation SUEZ selection criteria.
At every stage / on every screen of your financing request application, precisions and online help are available to help you to best describe your project.
You can save your project application at any time in order to add to it, amend it, modify it as much as necessary prior to submission; all of the information added before submission can only been viewed by yourself.
Re-read your project application carefully prior to its submission. Once it has been submitted online, the project assessment and selection process is launched; an e-mail confirming the receipt of your application will be automatically addressed to you, along with a summary of the information inputted and a project identification number. From this moment, it will no longer be possible to modify information.
The submission of applications to request financing from the Fund, or any possible exchanges with the Fonds team, have no influence on the subsequent decisions taken by the Fondation SUEZ whose choices are made independently.

The Fondation SUEZ structures its actions according to a set of basic principles:

The active implication of the populations concerned, which constitutes the first step towards achieving their autonomy,
The reinforcement of knowledge and expertise, via awareness-raising and training for all of the stakeholders: populations and local players,
The sustainability of the projects,
Support for innovation,
A joint commitment with partners, according to a relationship based on mutual respect, a listening ear and joint development.

Applications follow a three-stage selection process:

1. Pre-selection

The Fondation team examine applications according to a set of technical, financial, geographical, operational, time- and governance-related criteria…

2. Assessment

The applications selected are transferred for the opinion of 4 experts, members of Group personnel, who, on a voluntary basis, use their expertise to assess the projects in keeping with project eligibility criteria (see above).

3. Decision

Pre-selected projects are submitted to the Fondation’s decision-making bodies for selection and final approval. These bodies then vote on whether or not to provide financing and/ or expertise to support a project. A partnership agreement is then signed, and a referent is appointed among the people having assessed the project. He or she participates in project monitoring alongside the Foundation team (reports, meetings, assessment mission…).

Deadline:- 30th April, 2019
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