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Thursday, January 3, 2019

Olive Summer Fellowship In Laboratory Research Experience Program At UC Berkeley – USA 2019

Olive Summer Fellowship In Laboratory Research Experience Program At UC Berkeley – USA 2019

The UC Berkeley Global Science Institute and Weizmann Institute of Science is offering Scholarship Opportunities to Individuals who are Interested in pursuing a fellowship program at the Institution.

This Fellowship program covers the entire LRE tuition (USD $12,000) and also provides an additional USD $5,000 stipend to the fellow to cover program related expenses (travel, visas, accommodation, meals while at Berkeley).

Applications Deadline: February 15, 2019

Eligible Countries: Citizens of Israel, Palestine, or other Arab countries

Type: Research


Applicants must be Citizens of Israel, Palestine, or other Arab countries.
Applicants must be First-generation or low income university students.
Applicants must be Fluent in English Language
Applicants must have excellent grades from previous Educational Programs

How To Apply 

Complete the general LRE program application first and be accepted to the
Once accepted, complete the Olive Fellowship application package, which includes proof of citizenship and personal essays
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