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Thursday, January 3, 2019

2019 Ghent University Computer Science Scholarships, Belgium

2019 Ghent University Computer Science Scholarships, Belgium

The Ghent University – Belgium is offering the 2019 Computer Science International Scholarships to International Students who are willing to pursue a degree program at the Institution.

Course Level: PhD

Eligible Field Of Study: Computer Science

Eligibility Criteria: 

Applicants should have outstanding academic skills, and a clear interest in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) research
Applicants must be International students
Applicants must have extensive knowledge and a great interest in software development, because software development of gaming applications is done throughout the research trajectory.
Applicants must have Master of Science degree in Computer Science or Civil Engineering/Computer Science (or equivalent).

Method of Application:  The application in English should include

• a motivation letter, summarizing the candidate’s background and capabilities, and describing his/her motivation for this position

• attested copies of education certificates, and a list of master courses with the grades obtained

• an extensive CV

• contact information (e-mail) of potential referees

Applications are to be sent by e-mail to Prof. Dr Miriam Bouzouita (Miriam.Bouzouita@UGent.be) and Dr Gustavo Rovelo gustavo.roveloruiz@uhasselt.be.

Visit The Scholarship Webpage for details

Scholarship Application Deadline: January 07, 2019
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